High-quality laboratory work requires high quality measures. That's why all laboratories of the world use Microbiologics. Since 1976, this company manufactures innovative, cost-effective and reliable micro microbiological quality control tests. Microbiologics produces pure cultures of microorganisms for the pharmaceutical, cosmetic, food and beverage industries, as well as clinical trials. Microbiologics company has received numerous certificates, accreditation certificates and official recognitions for customer service, organization of production processes and product quality. The company has been registered in FDA, complies with CE marking regulations, and this certified according to ISO 9001: 2008 and ISO 13485: 2003 and accredited according to ISO 17025: 2005 and ISO Guide 34: 2009.
Clinical trials
In clinical studies, laboratories must adhere to the highest standards. Microbiologics produces the highest quality accredited microorganism products. All products are supplied in convenient forms for use, packaged in safe containers, and help you save time and money without affecting the accuracy of your test results.
Food quality
Requirements for the quality of food are becoming increasingly stringent. Microbiologics products are specially designed to meet your needs, such as quantitative microorganism preparations EZ-FPC™ and EZ-SPORE™, which are mainly used for daily process control, when tests to identify presence/absence microorganisms, quantitative research methods and spoilage detection methods are required.
Water and environment protection
Environmental protection and water quality are some of the most important issues faced by the world today. They affect human health and quality of life. For water and environmental testing laboratories, Microbiologics supplies the highest quality of biological materials that are ready to use and available in conveniently packaged forms. We offer a broad range of indicator microorganisms, such as Escherichia coli, Enterococcus faecalis and Clostridium perfringens, and water-borne pathogens, such as Legionella pneumoniae, Campylobacter jejuni and Escherichia coli O157: H7. Microbiologics also offers several species of Aeromonas, Salmonella, and Vibrio. Microbiologics E3 ePower™ products are successfully used in water testing, especially for membrane filtration methods.
Pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry
Pharmaceutical, cosmetics and food supplement manufacturers all over the world must meet the United States (USP), European (Ph. EUR) and Japanese (JP) pharmacopoeias. Microbiologics produces growth promotion tests EZ-Accu Shot™ and antimicrobial effectiveness and preservative efficacy tests EZ-PEC™. They are ready to use, reliable and cost-effective microbial agents, allowing laboratories to comply with Pharmacopoeia requirements confidently and comfortably.